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Who the F**k Is That Guy?

Who the F**K Is That Guy?
Dokumentärer, 2017, 77 minuter
Who the F**k Is That Guy?
Följ med skivbolagschefen Michael Alago, en homosexuell New York-bo med rötter i Puerto Rico, vars stora artiststall inkluderar Metallica.
dokumentärer Who the F**k Is That Guy? hade premiär 2017 och är 77 minuter lång.

Who the F**k Is That Guy? på IMDB

Betyg: 6,1 från 10

'Who The Fuck Is That Guy'? The Fabulous Journey Of Michael Alago tells the astonishing story of a gay Puerto Rican kid growing up in a Hasidic Brooklyn neighborhood, who got on the subway one day and began a musical odyssey that helped shape the musical landscape across N.Y.C. and around the world. Directed by Drew Stone and produced by Michael Alex the film tells the incredible story of a cherished New York City icon. From rubbing elbows with N. Y. scene makers as an teenager at Max's Kansas City and CBGB, to being the architect of a rock 'n' roll renaissance as the 19 year-old talent booker at the legendary Ritz, to making history as a 24 year-old A&R exec, signing the biggest metal band in a generation in Metallica, Michael Alago was on fire. Working with artists ranging from White Zombie and Johnny Rotten to Cyndi Lauper and jazz legend Nina Simone, Alago was driven by a love for great music...ANY great music..Passion and excess would bring Alago crashing into the twin reapers of substance abuse and AIDS, but surviving them both he reinvented himself as an art photographer...healthy, sober, and as passionate as ever. Told by Alago and the artists whose careers he helped build, illustrated with an exquisite collection of personal photographs, 'Who The Fuck Is That Guy'? The Fabulous Journey Of Michael Alago tells the tender, loving, self-destructive, and insane story of a man who loved new music so much he had to bring it to the world, and lived to talk about it.  Barely.

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Ljud: engelska - Syntolkning
Text: norska;tyska;svenska;finska;engelska

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